Kiios Business Operations Services are basic operations functions for non-core activities, such as Human Resources, Accounting, Treasury Services, IT Support, etc. They create value for our clients by freeing assets (mostly people) to concentrate on core products and services. Basically, if you are capable of both accounting and widget production, and you are nominally a widget producer, you need to understand whether you produce more value via accounting or production. If the answer is accounting, then close the plant, and put out a shingle. Otherwise, get rid of the lower value activities by out-sourcing them.
Kiios is unique in the way we offer and bill for services. We have a service catalog and we charge per transaction, not per hour, week or month. That means that your costs are predictable and scalable, so you can grow without fear. We do bundle certain services to make buying and accounting easier - but these are shorthand selection mechanisms, not changes to the basic service structures.
So do you save money? Sometimes, but EVERY time you increase value. Suppose you don't have an HR Employee Handbook, or worse, you've got a bad one cobbled together from questionable sources. Yes, it will cost a little to get a proper handbook created, and this is likely to be an increase in up-front costs over the non-existent approach, certainly. However, the decrease in risk associated with not having the proper procedures and documentation in place will overwhelm the minor costs of getting it right - particularly if you ever have a disgruntled employee who knows the phone number of a lawyer. An effective Treasury Strategy will generate income far in excess of the .5% interest rate your bank might begrudgingly pay. In general, our services increase your costs when you are running close to capacity, and decrease your costs right when you add it, and on average, over time, are about on a par for what you'd pay to do them yourself internally. The difference between our average efficiency and your average efficiency is how we make our profit. However, the reduction in the costs of your executives' time and reducing the costs of resolving problems will more than compensate for any slight premium you pay, and the value created by focusing on your core processes will open the doors to rapid, effective growth.
How do we provide essentially infinitely scalable services? Again, it comes back to our service catalog. We use it to sell services, but we also use it to buy. We understand the details of our service offerings, and we can break out components that we can source very efficiently. We drink our own Kool-Aid... our internal processes for our own company use our own services, and we have rigorously designed them all with scalability as a necessary criterion.
We start with HR strategy - and that starts with enterprise strategy - to determine the optimal functional configuration of your HR asset pool. We price the functions, not the people, then we create job descriptions that match the challenges. We develop a compensation strategy that aligns with your corporate strategy. We develop a measurement system, an incentive system, and a development system that make sure you have the right people at the right time. We put together a best practice employee handbook, and make sure you are in compliance with all HR laws and regulations. We provide any training and survey material you might need. We help you handle hiring, firing, discipline and development. We are particularly strong in ex-pat firms or divisions.
We partner to provide these services. Our in-house services include systems analysis, system selection, project management and contracting. We use outside services for programming and on-site hardware support. The most important planning process is the development of the service catalog, including service levels, that fits your environment.
Most small to mid-sized companies have poor treasury processing. The cash management services offered by banks are absolutely wonderful products... for banks. They do a great job of making hefty profits using your funds. Kiios brings top-tier professional cash management to your firm and opens the door to another income stream.