Transactions > Acquisitions

Supersize your growth rate

Want to buy some growth? Kiios can manage the acquisition process for you. We are not business brokers. We start at the beginning - helping you to assess your current situation and figuring out what assets and resources would fit well with your enterprise. We define the various criteria and terms, including price and value, of course, and model the "perfect acquisition" candidate. Then we go into the market and find the best possible purchases or partnerships for you. We help you to understand the integration challenges that each potentials purchase might entail, and we help you to select the best combination of value and complexity. Once you have made your decision regarding who to pursue, we execute the steps of the transaction on your behalf. This can include financing and post-purchase integration, as well as all of the preparatory activities. We are paid either with cash, equity or a combination, subject to your preferences.

Key Benefits

    Value Focused - we measure risk, cost and complexity in terms of impact on valuation.

    Disciplined - once the parameters are set, we rigorously stay within them. No emotional decisions will enter the process.

    Expertise - our staff has extensive experience with acquisitions, and process integration, both from consulting and outsourcing perspectives.

    Post-Deal Support - our services group can help stream line integration and make sure that any synergies you anticipated produce the expected results.

    Aligned - our compensation is aligned to your results. We work with you towards the same objectives.